Wednesday, July 13, 2005


adj. Tarred with the brush of the love that dare not speak its name or suck its toe!

Real citation: "Even though I couldn't care less about the SVR now, I kinda miss S1 SVR. Back then, it was so forbidden-love-y, which is actually interesting... I miss Syd and Dixon going on missions together. I want Joey Slotnik (Haladki) to be non-dead. He was so great."
(cjgurl427, "Season One: Run Lola Lite RUN," July 3, 2004, Television Without Pity,

Made-up citation: "The forbidden-love-y aspects of romance with a squirrel do not always outweigh the practical considerations, such as the issue aficionados warmly refer to as 'the bursting factor.'"

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