Wednesday, April 13, 2005


noun. I have no earthly idea. I just like the word.

Real citation: "Whoa, sounds impressive! However, I'm going to take a pass. When VS came out with their Miracle Bras several years ago, I ordered up a bunch of them and, damn, they did make me look good. I began wearing one every day. After a few weeks, I did my monthly exam like the PC woman I am, and noticed something strange. A puffy, wiggly thing on the side of my left boob. It felt like a... worm. OMG! I had a case of boobworm!"
(Paula Light, "Unmentionables," April 7, 2005,

Made-up citation: "No, we will not name the dachshund 'Boobworm.' But your new name is Sergeant Shitcake!"

1 comment:

Paula said...
