Tuesday, February 02, 2010


noun. Well, it beats a goliath-bird-eating-spider-tastrophe.

Real citation: "Today I need to start work on an Arsenal birthday cake. Hope I do alright with colouring this time and don't have a caterpillar-tastrophe"
(Jan. 27, 2010, Sarah Trivuncic, Twitter, http://twitter.com/MaisonCupcake/statuses/8272474648)

Made-up citation: "I don't know much about caterpillar-tastrophes, but I bet Gary Larson does. Where is he? We need him! I don't have nearly enough cow cartoons in my life."

1 comment:

sarahtriv said...

The caterpillar-tastrophe related to a cake I was making before Christmas which I featured on my blog in January.

Gary Larson is enjoying a long retirement so I heard from a cartoonist fellow twitterer!