Sunday, December 28, 2008


noun. I take pleasure in the suffering of shoes. To me, they're not even human!

Real citation: "The occasion has been referred to as Shoe-enfreude on. A alter ego told me the reporter's dub was Joe and after a mark time while I looked at him blankly, he followed by saying, 'Shoeless Joe'. Then someone asked what President Bush's favorite pie is and the retort is of course, 'shoe-fly' pie. Someone else referred to the to-do as an attempted 'shoe-icide'. But there is a precarious inconsiderable to all of this."
(Dec. 18, 2008, Unknown War Video, Wordlustitude - Create Post.html)

Made-up citation: "Our relationship was so solid, or so I thought. We overcame many obstacles, including a run-in with a cult, but when I demanded 'shoe-enfreude' be part of our wedding vows, well... That's why I'm single and speaking to you from the roof instead of the parlor of Veronica's estate."

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