Wednesday, April 15, 2009


noun. Hmm. Well, at least it's not an ap-underwear-alypse, which is so painful in the business zone.

Real citation: "zombie ap-sock-alypse
This is how you read The Forest of Hands and Teeth when you also have a birthday sock knitting deadline. Because there is no option on not doing the socks, but there is also clearly no option to not read The Forest of Hands and Teeth. As your hands are occupied with sock, The Forest of Hands and Teeth has to be held open with elastic bands."
(April 13, 2009, Throwing Away the Breadcrumbs,

Made-up citation: "My new film Ap-sock-alypse Now remakes the famous war movie with sock puppets. If I can get Elmo to play Kurtz, I think he'll get the Oscar (and I don't mean the grouch). That muppet has range!"

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