Tuesday, November 25, 2008


noun. A gross display of emotion that's considered quite unbecoming by anyone who is not, as courtesy demands, totally dead inside.

Real citation: "Nice hearing from you my brother, keep up the enthusiasmgasm and being a good guy. Cheers my man. Stay healthy, you never know, we could be the best damn tag team. Ill lock on the sharpshooter as perfect to Bret as i do haha, and you can drop a nice legdrop or maybe flying headbutt onto the piece of trash that decided he wanted some of Mike dagger and Scotty Primo. Peace bro ; Puerto Rico 4 - Life."
(July 23, 2008, MySpace, http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=55209802)

Made-up citation: "I admit it. I'm having an enthusiasmgasm for the series finale of The Shield tonight. I don't really know what to do with myself. I tried chewing the bark off a tree, and that didn't help. I held my horses--tightly--and that didn't help. I would turn to my favorite refreshing beverage, but I don't want to watch the finale through grain alcohol goggles."

1 comment:

aworkinprogress said...

Okay, this just might be my favorite!