Wednesday, December 13, 2006


noun. Shenanigans of a bedly sort.

Related terms: asscapades, crapcapades, dorkcapades, fuckcapades, losercapades, shitcapades, skankcapades, turdcapades.

Real citation: "Working in Waikiki I was propositioned by 2 different couples to join them in their hotel rooms, I remember one of them owned a gym in L.A. it was so weird cause the wives start hitting on you right in front of their husbands and you don't know how to react. The gym couple was cool as hell and the wife was super fine, I contemplated it for a while until my friends brought up what the Husband might have wanted out of the arrangement. That killed all notions of joining in on their bedcapades."
(maniclion, May 5, 2004,

Made-up citation: "In Sex Advice 101, I learned that using the word 'bedcapades' will kill any chance of bedcapades occurring."

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