Tuesday, October 23, 2007


noun. A process that covers people, stuff, and woodland critters with the primal essence of the universe: goop.

Real citation: "I agree with everything said above, and I will add that the cap must be seated properly and firmly. I'd say that 90% of the goopification that occurs with paints is usually from that. If the cap is damaged in some way or the mating surface has paint on it then you end up with goop in the bottle. When I thin paints, I usually use the manufacturer's recommended agent. That is unless I am positive about a substitute."
(MortarMagnet, July 21, 2006, http://cs.finescale.com/forums/666697/ShowPost.aspx)

Made-up citation: "My campaign stands for five principles: Unification. De-nastification. Goopification. Braindeadification. Pre-schmoopification."

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