Tuesday, October 25, 2005


adj. Steadfast, true, and clean as a whistle-blower.

Real citation: "While we were imagining that behind the fortress-like doors of the massive building on McCarty Avenue in Albany all manner of X-Files type excitement was going on, it turns out that nothing of the sort happens there. Rather, according to law enforcement coordinator and acting media relations coordinator Lisa Massaroni, the FBI’s Albany office performs your standard, run-of-the-mill federal-agenty tasks."
(Travis Durfee, Erik Hage, Stephen Leon, Kate Sipher and Erin Sullivan, "Questions That Bother Us So," Online Metroland, http://www.metroland.net/back_issues/vol_25_no26/features.html)

Made-up citation: "I love you, baby. You make me feel like a ferocious, fetching, federal-agenty, feral fireman."

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