Thursday, August 25, 2005


adj. Used to describe a man, woman, or child who might--all things being equal--go all special forces on your ass.

Real citation: "Quality stuff! Glad to see I'm not the only one who uses the darker suits. Me 'n' a few mates are considering black ones for next year. Y'know, sort of special forces-y. Good looking patches too"
(spandex wondermonkey, Nov. 14, 2003,

Made-up citation: "Neither Ben nor Jerry--and not even a bald-headed chickenfucker--would sell ice cream named 'Special-forces-y Strawberry.'"


Anonymous said...

Hey, TiVo reports a profit
Todd over at PVRWire has a post on how - for the first time - TiVo has reported a profit.


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